Hello There! I'm Drew!
As a Travel Advisor for Key to the World Travel, I have the privilege of helping folks achieve their travel dreams! Originally from the Pacific Northwest, and currently residing in Lexington, Kentucky, I've seen a pretty sizable portion of the United States. I was a bit more of an primitive adventurer before having kids, but they've got me hooked on Orlando, and all of their theme parks. We've traveled to Universal Orlando Resort & Walt Disney World multiple times a year for the past half-dozen years, and I'm here to forward all the knowledge I've gained to you and your travel needs!
Other Frequently Asked Questions:
These days with the vast information available to you via the internet, booking travel can be fairly simple. But as I tell my children all the time, what you read on the internet is not always true. Advice from blogs and facebook friends are not always accurate, and regardless of good intentions, can often be unreliable. I guarantee that my knowledge of destinations and processes will always be up to date and well researched with reliable information. And who knows, my experience and recommendations could allow you to have a much better time on your trip than you could have imagined!
As a meticulous planner and organizer, I will provide you with all the confirmation information you will need for each aspect of your trip. I can assure you that I will have triple checked all available information to make sure everything is above board.
To some destinations with extraordinary demand, bookings will need to happen 2-3 years before travel. The most common vacations should be planned around 12-18 months in advance, with 6 months being the minimum in order to get to do everything you want. Planning travel within 6 months of departure will requre flexibility, as all potential options will not be available.
I currently have the following certifications
- Disney Destination Specialist
- Universal Parks & Resorts Specialist
- Bachelor of Adventure (Royal Caribbean Cruise Line)
I'm always working towards more certifications to add to this list, so check back soon!
I am an Independent Contractor for Key to the World Travel with the title of Travel Advisor. Key to the World Travel is the Travel Agent, and I work under their trademarks and designations. Travel Agents run their own agencies and individually have their own trademarks and authorizations.
Travel Professionals and Travel Advisors work together to provide the best experience and opportunities for their clients. Travel Advisor commissions are typically built in to the offered package price from the supplier. More times than not, you've paid for a travel advisor's services without even knowing you could have utilized one!
Abolutely not. Timeshares are typically sold within a certain brand, and I am not limited to a specific brand. I will consider any and all options to best serve my clients.
No. Key to the World Travel is an organization with an ownership group and advisors who work under them. There is no heirarchy to their structure, and I will not recruit you to sell travel.